Wellness Incentives to Offer Your Employees - man and woman wearing workout clothes and smiling

Wellness Incentives to Offer Your Employees

Amelia Wilcox
February 21, 2022
October 9, 2022

The key to a successful workplace wellness program is having enjoyable activities and events that actually work. But some employees need a little more encouragement to join in on the fun.

Learn all you'll need to know about company wellness incentives and increasing mental health program utilization.  

Wellness Program Incentives: Ideas for Healthy Employees

Mental health and wellness programs only do so much good if employees aren't using them.

When planning your wellness program, keep in mind the federal regulations on incentives. To be fully compliant, wellness incentives must not exceed 30% of the program's total cost per person.

Workplace Wellness Incentives

When greater health and wellness isn't enough of an incentive, companies turn to more tangible incentives for workplace wellness programs.

These kinds of incentives can be rolled out at any point in a wellness program: once someone has joined the program, after a certain length of time, or once they've met a personal health goal.

  • Discounted healthcare premiums
  • Gift cards
  • Cash prizes
  • Gym pass
  • Workout gear, clothes, or shoes
  • Activity tracker wearables (i.e., Fitbit)
  • Recognition awards
  • Extra time off from work

You can also encourage coworkers to incentivize each other by:

  • Holding group exercise competitions (like a step competition)
  • Having an employee recognition program like Bonusly
  • Using a leaderboard to track wellness goals and progress

Related: Check List for Evaluating Your Workplace Wellness Program

Make Wellness Compelling

Another key incentive to getting employees involved with a wellness program is to have programs and activities they look forward to participating in.

Here are some ideas other companies have found successful:

  • Free healthy lunches
  • Regular in-office massage
  • Company-sponsored entries into local 5k and 10k events
  • Bike-to-work programs
  • Financial wellness courses
  • Fitness challenges
  • Yoga in the workplace or virtual yoga
  • Guided meditation

Wondering how successful your current wellness programs are? Check out How to Measure the ROI of Your Mental Health Program.

Aim For Greatness with Your Wellness Program

After you've created a great wellness program with intriguing incentives and lots of employee participation, don't stop there! Keep improving on your program by getting regular feedback from your employees.

Related: 5 Unbeatable Reasons for Employee Engagement Surveys

Are they getting bored with the incentives or the activities? Keep your wellness program fresh with regular assessments and restructuring as needed. And if you don't already have one, get a company mental health program!  

Stop stacking benefits. Start being well. Set a Nivati demo


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Amelia Wilcox
Amelia Wilcox
Amelia Wilcox is the Founder and CEO of Nivati, a leader in corporate massage and employee mental health support since 2010. Her high-growth B2B company provides employee stress management tools that arm businesses with actionable data and positive employee experiences to improve wellbeing, boost morale, and increase engagement. Amelia has exponentially grown her company from a solo living-room service business to an international technology brand.