When hiring a massage therapist or company for your onsite massage program, you'll need to consider their education, licensing, insurance, and experience. And you'll also need to know how much the program costs, and how their scheduling process works. In this article, we cover why all of those factors are important for the success of your onsite massage program.
Hiring for Your Onsite Massage Program at Work
Bringing office massage to your employees is a sure way to win points. Your employees will be happier, more focused and energized, and experience a big boost in morale.
But before you start congratulating yourself, here are 5 considerations for hiring someone to do your office massage.
5 Tips for Hiring a Massage Therapist for Onsite Massage
1. Office Massage Therapist Qualifications
In the US, each state regulates the necessary qualifications to become a massage therapist. As the American Massage Therapy Association says, regulations in the massage business are important for several reasons. Some states have no regulation of the field, and others have strict rules regarding the length and quality of massage therapy education and training.
In regulating states, there are often required continuing education credits a therapist must earn to keep their license. This helps to ensure your massage therapist is keeping their education current and their skills refined. Your first step will be to ensure your therapist has all the necessary education and lisences to practice massage. Your local massage therapy board will have a way to look up a therapist's license number for verification.
2. Insurance for Workplace Massage
In addition to educational requirements for massage therapy, practicing massage therapy requires liability insurance. Insurance like this covers the therapist in the event a massage client is injured in anyway.
Should one of your employees get injured as a result of a massage therapist's actions, and the therapist did not have liability insurance, your company could be in big trouble. So when hiring a massage therapist, liability insurance is something you'll want to check for. If you hire a massage company to provide the therapist for you, you can ask them about what kind of insurance covers their massage therapists. For more info on massage liability insurance, read this: What You Need to Know: Office Massage and Liability Insurance
3. Experience with Office Massage
Some massage therapists (like the ones we work with) love doing office massage. They love traveling to businesses around their cities, meeting new clients, and having interesting places to work everyday. Other therapists prefer to stick to one or two spa locations.
You can get a great massage from either kind of therapist. But when you're setting up a massage program for your employees, you'll want someone who specifically enjoys doing office massage. Look for someone who has training in chair massage, and experience—or at least enthusiasm—or working at corporate massage programs.
4. Scheduling Workplace Massage
Consider how the process of scheduling your workplace massages will go. Review the plan with your massage therapist or massage company to make sure it's an easy process for you. Figure out these details ahead of time:
- Will you or your therapist arrange the massage schedule?
- Are there reminder texts, calls, or emails to keep employees on time to their appointments?
- Should anyone be tracking when/if employees miss their appointments?
- How many massages will happen at one time?
- How many massage therapists will be needed?
Related: Is Managing a Workplace Massage Program Too Much Work?
5. Cost of Onsite Massage
A major factor in deciding who to hire for your onsite massage program will be the cost of the service. Get a detailed plan in writing before you commit to anything, and be sure to ask about discounts for larger events. The cost will be determined by how many therapists you have in your office at one time, how long the massages are, and how long each office massage session will last.
Related: Mobile Massage Rates: What Does Chair Massage Cost?
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