The Top Questions I am Asked as a Fitness Coach (Part 2) - 2 people stretching on a park bench

The Top Questions I am Asked as a Fitness Coach (Part 2)

Trevor Conrod
June 16, 2023
June 1, 2023

This blog post was written by Trevor Conrod, Fitness Coach at Nivati. You can see more of their content on the Nivati platform and on the Nivati blog. If you want to learn more about Nivati, click here

In my first FAQ blog post, The Top Questions I am Asked as a Fitness Coach, I addressed some of my clients' most pertinent questions. From weight loss to getting toned, that blog was the perfect runway for my second in the series. As my first blog mentions, the internet can be a double-edged sword when finding advice to achieve your goals. This blog post aims to tackle some of the most frequently asked questions and provide insights into how to address them.

Pre and Post-Workout Supplements

Q: "Are pre and post-workout supplements necessary for results?"

A: If you've ever walked into a GNC (General Nutrition Centers) or Vitamin Shoppe, you've likely been overwhelmed by the wide variety of workout supplements offered. But before making the big purchase, have you ever asked yourself if these products were necessary for results?

I am not anti-supplement. And I am well aware that specific vitamins and supplements can benefit individuals who do their research. This section is simply challenging the idea they are required for results.

For most fitness goers, supplements are not a requirement for results. As it states in the name, a supplement is designed to deliver your body nutrients you may have yet to consume from your day-to-day diet: supplementing something you are lacking. While some supplements may provide a small benefit, such as improved energy during your workout, they are optional for achieving fitness goals. A healthy and balanced diet can provide all the necessary nutrients for muscle growth and recovery. To achieve your desired results in the gym, it is crucial to prioritize overall nutrition and consistently challenging workouts.

Relying too heavily on pre and post-workout supplements can also lead to a false sense of security, where individuals may believe that taking them is sufficient to achieve their fitness goals. This can lead to neglecting other crucial aspects of a healthy lifestyle, such as adequate sleep, stress management, and varied exercise routines. Instead, focusing on a well-rounded approach to fitness that takes into account nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle factors can lead to more sustainable and optimal outcomes over the long term. 

Keeping Your Body Hydrated

Q: "Will drinking water really make any difference?"

A: When a new client arrives with goals like weight loss, feeling more energized, and becoming an overall healthy person, water is a key factor I look at. If you think you need to drink more water throughout the day, chances are you are right. But what's the point of drinking more water? After all, who want's to use the bathroom more than they need to?

For starters, we know that drinking water keeps the body hydrated. Hydration is essential for the adequate functioning of your organs, tissues, and cells. Along with the basics, water helps to regulate our body's temperature and flush out toxins. This can be especially helpful if you've had a meal high in sodium and salt, where water helps reduce bloating and assists in appetite control.

Achievements Beyond the Scale

Q: "What is the best way to track my progress?"

A: When it comes to seeing results, historically, the most common method used is bodyweight changes from a scale. However, this method leaves out a lot of helpful information when trying to achieve your goals. On a day-to-day, even hour-by-hour basis, our weight can fluctuate. Some individuals more than others. Relying entirely on the scale to assess your progress and determine whether you're doing well can harm your final outcome. Not to mention, if your aim is to build lean muscle mass, relying solely on the scale can work against you. This is because when building muscle, your body will inherently gain weight. And whether you are gaining or losing muscle, or vice versa with fat, simply basing it on a scale will be near impossible.

Goals outside of weight are often more reliable and give a better measure of progress. Instead of setting a number goal in your head (i.e., "I want to lose 10 pounds.), explore why you want the weight loss in the first place. These goals can often prove more motivating and realistic. For example, “I want to feel better in my work jeans,” or “I don't want to get winded when playing with my grandkids.” 

Instead of solely tracking your progress through weight, I recommend you include progress pictures, resting heart rate, and mood. 

It's hard to notice a day-to-day difference when working hard towards your goals, which is exactly where before and after pictures come into play. By taking similar pictures just months apart, you may see more specific body changes, whereas the scale would not show such fine and particular progress.

Resting heart rate is another example mentioned and is a much better way to gauge overall progress if increased endurance and cardiovascular health are your goals. Resting heart rate refers to the number of times your heart beats per minute at rest. A lower resting heart rate indicates that your heart is strong enough to pump more blood with fewer beats. General resting heart rate tracking can be done long-term with a smartwatch or by your doctor.

Stretch Your Knowledge

Q: "Why is consistent stretching important for my health and fitness goals?"

A: Having been in the fitness industry for many years and having the opportunity to coach many unique client types, I've seen firsthand the various ideas and questions surrounding stretching. "Why is it important?," "I just don't have time," and "How is this helping me?" are all things I hear routinely when discussing stretching.

Often, clients think if nothing is in immediate pain or acting up, why the hassle of stretching? Let's not reinvent the wheel, right? But this is the exact mindset that leads to injuries and regular joint and muscle soreness over time. Think of your body as a house. Without routine maintenance and the occasional lawn care, the foundation will slowly crumble over time. Your body may very well not feel the effects of stiffness and lack of mobility immediately, but over time, it will be in a worse position.

Routine stretching habits keep your body primed and ready to go, and stretching can help you achieve your goals. Increased flexibility and range of motion are big benefits of regular stretching. Improving your overall range of motion means putting less tension on your body throughout workouts and simple everyday activities. 

With an increased range of motion comes an increase in blood flow. Stretching increases blood flow to your muscles, which can help deliver essential nutrients and oxygen. This helps to promote muscle healing after a workout and can improve overall muscle function. All in all, routine stretching is crucial in keeping your body healthy and injury-free throughout your fitness journey, and beyond.

What's Next?

Thank you for checking out my second top questions blog post. As a coach, I am passionate about helping people improve their health and fitness through proper exercise and nutrition. If you have any more questions about these topics, please do not hesitate to contact me at or book a 1:1 coaching session through Nivati. I would be happy to chat with you and provide any guidance or advice that I can. 

Stay strong and remember that you have the strength to change your tomorrow.


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Trevor Conrod
Trevor Conrod
Trevor Conrod is the founder and small business owner of LWStrength and a content creator for Nivati. Designed to serve members in-person and online, this facility offers an intuitive and exciting take on the traditional group fitness experience. His primary purpose is to help others find their strength, both physically and mentally, as stated in the company's slogan, “Find Your Strength.”